Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Islamic Rituals

1)      Outline how children are welcomed into the Muslim faith?  
·     The Muslim call to prayer: "God is great; there is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Come to prayer." These are the first words a newborn Muslim baby should hear. They are whispered into the right ear of the child by his or her father.
  • The baby's first taste should be something sweet, so parents may chew a piece of date and rub the juice along the baby's gums.
·    After seven days the baby's head is shaved to show that the child is the servant of Allah. Although Hindus may take the baby's hair to India and scatter it in the holy river Ganges, Muslims weigh it and give the equivalent weight in silver to charity.
2)      What is the Aqeeqah?
This is a celebration which involves the slaughter of sheep. Sheep are sacrificed (in Britain the meat is ordered at the butchers) and the meat is distributed to relatives and neighbours and also given to the poor.
1)      Outline the Basic elements of an Islamic wedding ceremony?

In Islam, marriages are not considered to be 'made in heaven' between 'soul-mates' destined for each other; they are not sacraments. They are social contracts which bring rights and obligations to both parties, and can only be successful when these are mutually respected and cherished.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Qu'ran

Suras (Chapters of the Qur'an)- There are 114 chapters and each one is shorter than the one before it. The Qu'ran is thought to be the completed message that began with Judaism and Chrstianity.

1.      What does the word Quran translate to in English?
2.      What is the purpose of the message sent to Mohammad why was it sent again?
             Gods own message to the world to remind people of the message already received by the Jews and Christians –Gods guidance for human kind

3.      How is the message sent to Mohammad different to the messages already sent to the Christians and the Jews?
It is in Arabic
4.      Is the message in the Quran the same message as in the Bible?
5.      Name two other prophets mentioned in the Quran.
Jesus and  Abraham.

6.      How was the message passed on to others in the beginning?

It was an oral transmission.
7.      Why was the original message not written down by Mohammad?
He was not literate in Arabic.
8.      What language is used for the Quran?
9.      Which city did Islam originate?
10.  What does ‘Muslim’ mean?
Those who submit to God
11.  How does the Quran differ from the Bible in the story of the death of Jesus?
Belief Jesus was not crucified but lifted to God another man who looked like him was crucified.
12.  What does the Quran say about warfare?
Muslims may defend themselves only when there is a threat. They should be merciful to those they capture – as Muhammad was when he took over Mecca.

Islamic Symbols

The Star and Crescent
They are the accepted symbols of Islam since the eighteenth century; they appear on several flags of Islamic nations. Even before the time of Muhammad they were found on the Ka’aba and it is said that Muhammad allowed these symbols to remain intact when he ordered the removal of the idols in the Ka’aba.
No symbols of Allah
Islam has always insisted that there should be no idols and no images of Allah. An Islamic mosque is devoid of all statues and all paintings; this is in contrast to Christian Churches. Islamic artists have compensated for this to be restricted by developing beautiful work and calligraphy.
Bismillah (in the name of Allah)
One of the most prominent symbolic designs is the motif with the words Bismillah (in the name of Allah, the Merciful, the compassionate....’ so the first word of these Suras has been taken and variously depicted in extremely ornate styles.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The five Pillars of Islam

Pillar #1: 

  • What is the meaning of the declaration of faith? 

The declaration of faith is when Muslims submit their faith in Allah (God) and that he is the one and only God.

  • Why do you think that this statement is a significant part of being a Muslim?

Because it shows that they are willing to completely commit themselves to Allah and follow all Muslim beliefs.

Video –

Pillar #2:                                                           Salat                                                           

  • Describe the process that Muslims go through to prepare to pray.

They must first cleanse themselves by washing their hands up to their elbows, their face, their feet and wetting their hair. They then remove their shoes and step onto a mat facing Mecca.

  • Describe the process of praying in Islam. How many times each day, and when, do Muslims pray?
             Muslims pray five times a day; at dawn, before sunrise, at noon time, in the middle of the noon right       
             before sunset), and in the beginning of the night.

·         What do the prayers sound like?  What do the movements look like?

 They focus deeply on their prayer and concentrate on Allah and nothing else. They sing prayer in Arabic and kneel down with their forehead touching the ground in praise. This movement says that they are lower than Allah and he is the highest of all.

·         In which direction do Muslims pray? Why do they face this way?

They face Mecca because it is the location of where the holy shrine of the ka’ba is.

·         What are some of the things Muslims say during prayer?

Verses from the Qur’an. They move their hands to either side of their head, palms facing forward in a praising position. This position says that they are ‘leaving the whole world behind them and I am coming to you, oh God, in submission’

·         Why do Muslims pray?

To show their submission and devotion to Allah.

Video –

Pillar #3:                                                           Zakaat                                                                    

  • What is Zakaat?  What is emphasized in Zakaat?
Obligatory to the Muslim religion.  Each Muslim who is gaining an income must give two and a half percent of their savings over the last year to the poor.  This is emphasized in the Qur’an, and it is said that the more you give, the more god gives you.

  • Why do Muslims make donations?  How much money is a person expected to give to charitable causes? 

Muslims make donations because it is considered a gift from almighty. A minimum of two and a half percent of their savings.

  • What is the relationship between prayer and money?

Zakaat is emphasized in the Qur’an and is mentioned 82 times. It is believed that the more you give, the more blessings you will receive. You cannot claim you a true leader without helping others.

  • How is zakaat different from ordinary charity that Muslims might give?

When you give, you feel that you are taking care of others as god is taking care of you and it enriches the souls of muslims.

Video -

Pillar #4:                              Hajj                                                                                          

  • As part of the Muslim religion, what does it mean to fast? 

If you do not fast, then you are not a true Muslim.

  • Why do Muslims fast? 

To show their appreciation for Gods gifts, realize the suffering of the poor, show their  respect for God,  obeying God, self discipline, become spiritually stronger.  

  • What and when is Ramadan?   What is Eid al-Fitr? 
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. Eid al-Fitr is the festival to complete  Hajj where large feasts take place.

Videos – Islam_vid_hajj (part 1 & 3)

Pillar #5:                                                           Hajj                                                              

  • How often must Muslims participate in Hajj? 

Every Muslim must go at least once in their lifetime.

  • Where do Muslims go during Hajj? 

The Ka’aba

  • What and where is the Kaaba?  Describe this place.

In the centre of Mecca and is a large black box structure in a large arena. Muslims believe the Kaaba was built by Allah, according to the Qa’ran. Afterward visiting the Kaaba, they journey to the foot of Mt Abaft  where the profit Muhammad preached his last Sermon.

  • How many Muslims participate in Hajj?

              2 million

  • What is the goal of Hajj? 

To worship God, sacrifice and journey with him.

  • What does it mean to enter spiritual purity? What is the purpose of the special garments?

To cleanse the soul. The purpose of the garments worn by muslims is that they are plain, there is no status and all muslims are equal and cannot be judges or compared.

  • How does Mubarek describe his experiences as a pilgrim?

He was not bothered by all the crowds and felt connected by the respect shown for God.

  • What is the significance of Abraham to pilgrims?

It makes the first pilgrimage to Canaan.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Five Pillars

There are five major beliefs or obligations for each Muslim, they are as follows;

o   Shahaddah-Muslim declaration of belief  

o   Salat – Prayer five times a day

o   Zakat – giving to the poor

o   Sawan/Ramadan – fasting in the 9th month of Islamic Calender

o   Hajj-Pilgrimage to Mecca must be made once in a Muslims life.

The Gallipoli Mosque

Where was it?
What did you see and do at the Mosque?
We sat in the main hall of the Mosque, where prayer takes place, and were given a background to the Muslim religion by a Muslim woman. This included their traditional beliefs and information  about the mosque.  Before we entered the Mosque we had to remove our shoes and step onto a mat to ensure we were not contaminating the sacred grounds of the mosque.
What did you learn? Identify major items/facts.
I learnt about the different aspects of the Muslim religion including traditional rituals and beliefs. I learnt that women wear Berka’s  to respect God and stay focused on their religion only, without the distractions of appearance and beauty that the modern women of today face. I learnt about the different functions of the mosque including the Quibla wall in which points muslims in the direction of Mecca. Inside this wall is a semi circular niche called a mihrab. I also enriched my understanding of the regulations of prayer within the Muslim religion; Muslims must pray five times a day at different times and lengths. Every Friday, the men must stop what they are doing and go to a Mosque service where a sermon takes place. The Mimbar, a staircase inside the mosque, is where prayers are read from by the Sermon and conveys the idea that they are always one step down from Allah, their God and worshiper.
What you gained from the experience?
I gained the insight that Muslims are deeply passionate of their religion and respect God deeply. This is shown through their prayer, in which is a vital part of their religion and is taken very seriously.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Facts about Islam

What does Islam mean?
The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means ‘Submission to Allah (God)’ in which drives from a word meaning ‘peace.’
What were the origins of Islam?
Mohammed was born in 570AD (6th Century). At 40 years of age, Mohammed received a revelation from God known as the Quran.  
How does someone become a Muslim?
To become Muslim, one must admit ‘there is no god apart from God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.’
How do Muslims practice their religion?  
They pray five times a day toward Mecca. Muslims also uphold the five pillars of Islam.
What is the Ka’ba?
The Ka’ba is the place of worship which God commanded Abraham and Ishmael to build over four  thousand years ago. God commanded Abraham to summon all mankind to visit the Ka’ba.
What were the highlights of Mohammed’s life?
Mohammed was born in the City of Mecca in 570. Known for his truthfulness, generosity and sincerity, Mohammed is the founder of Islam. He meditated from time to time near the ‘Mountain of Light’ near Mecca.  At the age of 40, Mohammed received his first revelation from God through the Angel Gabriel which is known as the Quran.
What is the Quran?
The Quran is the Islamic sacred text. It is a record of God’s exact words that were revealed through angel Gabriel to Mohammed. Mohammed memorized these words which were later written down by scribes.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Quick Quiz
1)     Fill in the blanks in these sentences.

The words Muslim and Islam both mean  Submission.
Muslims believe that  Allah  made everything.
The Muslim holy book is called the Qur’an.
A star and crescent moon is the symbol of Islam.

2)     Why should a Muslim Submit to Allah?

Because Allah is their God who made everything and they believe he should be given authority.

3)     Explain what Muslims think about Muhammad

He was the last and greatest of the prophets and believe he received messages from Allah through the Angel Gabriel.

4)     Draw the symbol of Islam. Explain why it is used.
 This symbol is used to reflect upon the idea of guidance through the dark desert, believing that their religion shows them how to live just like the moon and stars.

5)     Islam began in the Middle East. Find out the names of two Muslim Countries.

Saudi Arabia