Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jewish Kosher Food

Kosher is Jewish dietry requirements that link back to the Torah. Moses enforced these kosher laws due to believing certain foods would cause Jews to be ill.

Kosher- food which is allowed
Treyfah- food which is NOT allowed

In Leviticus it says...
All plants are kosher, but not all animals, birds or fish are.
Animals must also be killed in a special manner and have all the blood removed before the meat can be eaten by Jews.

How are animals killed?
Jews may only eat animals and birds that have been killed by Shechitah.
Shechitah is killing the animals by slitting the throat with a very sharp knife.
This has been shown to be painless to the animals, as causing pain to living things is against Jewish law.
The theory is that the sharp knife cuts the carotid so that the animal loses consciousness before they are able to feel pain.

Which animals are Kosher

Fish with fins
Most birds

All vegetables and fruit and dairy products are kosher.

A Kosher kitchen
“You must not cook a young goat in its mother milk”
Jews who keep kosher kitchens do not eat meat and dairy foods together.
Separate sets of crockery, cutlery and cooking utensils are used. After eating meat, strict Jews will wait several hours before eating dairy products.
Foods which contain neither meat nor milk, fruit, vegetables, may be eaten with either meat or vegetables.

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